World Sleep Day

World Sleep Day

Quality sleep serves as a potent remedy, addressing both physical and mental ailments, and it acts as a magical reservoir of energy that revitalizes us, providing the strength to navigate life's challenges.

In the tapestry of Greek and Roman mythology, there exists an otherworldly "Land of Dreams" situated along the journey to the underworld. Within this mystical realm, known as the territory of "Somnus" in Roman mythology or "Hypnos" in Greek mythology, divine authority is wielded. Here, these deities bestow the precious gift of sleep upon humans and fellow gods. Seeking blessings from Somnus has become a common practice, reflecting the universal, pervasive impact of sleep deprivation on our mental and physical well-being.

Observed annually on the second Friday of March (this year on March 15th), World Sleep Day was initiated by a group of medical professionals and experts with the goal of sharing knowledge and research on sleep. Originating in 2008 at a New York hospital, the initiative is supported by the World Sleep Society (WSS), a global organization spanning 88 countries. The theme for this year, "Sleep Equity for Global Health," emphasizes the importance of equal access to quality sleep, promoting both physical and mental well-being on a foundation of equality. The event advocates for various activities, including diagnosing sleep disorders, exhibitions, and academic seminars, aimed at disseminating knowledge about sleep at different levels, from local communities to national platforms, highlighting its fundamental role in maintaining good health and encouraging people worldwide to prioritize the value of quality sleep.

As World Sleep Day approaches, let us collectively prioritize sufficient rest for a healthier and improved quality of life, beginning right from the sanctuaries of our beds!


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